Pastor Robert McArthur

"For over 10 years, the Lord has placed on my heart to be part of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people – not just in the northeast of Scotland – but all across the whole of Scotland and beyond.
This vision began when the Lord showed me a picture of an open air event locally in Banff. The fire in my heart was then stoked as I listened to a well-known prophecy from Jean Darnell - a vision for revival in Scotland and beyond. Over the past few years the Lord has been reinforcing this vision as I have submitted it to other church leaders.
This vision began when the Lord showed me a picture of an open air event locally in Banff. The fire in my heart was then stoked as I listened to a well-known prophecy from Jean Darnell - a vision for revival in Scotland and beyond. Over the past few years the Lord has been reinforcing this vision as I have submitted it to other church leaders.
As a result, I feel led by the Lord to run an evangelistic tour around Scotland over the next 3 years. The tour will be called REVIVE SCOTLAND and we will spend Year 1 in the North, Year 2 in the Central Belt and Year 3 in the South.
At the start of each week we would meet with local churches and prepare for the main events, which include events for children and young people, evangelism and which will culminate in a main celebration and Gospel message on the Saturday evening, with the opportunity for people who make the decision to follow Jesus into local churches on the Sunday.
At the start of each week we would meet with local churches and prepare for the main events, which include events for children and young people, evangelism and which will culminate in a main celebration and Gospel message on the Saturday evening, with the opportunity for people who make the decision to follow Jesus into local churches on the Sunday.