Our Vision
Our vision is to have a passion for Jesus and His purposes in the Earth. Our desire is to see His people find their identity in their Heavenly Father, move in the power of the Holy Spirit and be united in love, in hope and in faith.
We want to see the gospel proclaimed and His Kingdom come in our local communities; in every village, every town, every city, region and nation.
We want to see the gospel proclaimed and His Kingdom come in our local communities; in every village, every town, every city, region and nation.
Our Values
We Value The Presence of God
- In our lives
- In our families
- In the local church
We Value The Word of God
- The written word of God as our guide for life and godliness
- The message of God contained in scripture for all peoples at all times
- The prophetic word of God given through the activity of the Holy Spirit in our midst
We Value The Kingdom of God
The rule and the reign of Christ:
- in our lives
- in our families
- in the local Church
- on earth as it is in heaven
We Value The Family of God
- Expressed in the local church
- As a people called apart to declare the goodness of God
- As a community of God’s children both local and global united in faith, hope and love
Our Mission
To co-labour with Christ in His mission:
- To seek and to save the lost
- To proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God
- To destroy the works of the devil
- To testify that Jesus dealt with sin on the cross and has conquered sin, death and the devil and is alive forever and ever.